(Neurotracker Academy Certification)
The CTS90 NeuroTracker Coach Certification introduces the fundamental scientific
principles of NeuroTracker research and technology. This course teaches users how to guide and oversee NeuroTracker programs for wellness and performance applications.
Successful completion of the certification grants CTS90 NeuroTracker Coaches access to:
The Coach dashboard provides ongoing updates on user activity and milestones, enabling the
Coach to monitor the progress of the users they refer.
Part A/Knowledge: Online completion of all modules and quizzes in the certification
Part B/Technical: Completion of 30 CTS90 powered by NeuroTracker sessions. This requirement ensures that all users understand how the technology works before mentoring others on the platform. With the recommended upper limit of 3 NeuroTracker training sessions per day, this component of the certification should be completed over at least 10-15 training days.
Modules: Modules include a quiz that must be successfully completed to move forward